Monday, 10 February 2014

Revision for CA1

Dear all,
This week is Week 6 and you have to consolidate what your have learnt so far for the 3 units on Whole numbers. 

I have attached a link for you to share your answers.

1. Key in your name
2. Start keying in what you have learnt for far for Math
3. Click on the say button

I need you to click on this link to share what you have learnt so far.

Love you,
Mrs Mak

Multiplication Tables

Dear all,
You have to master your multiplication tables in order to move forward. Please memorise the tables every night before you sleep.

I hope you have viewed the attachment on graphs.

What I need you to do now is to tell me when do you use a bar graph and when do you use a  line graph. Give me examples.

If you are not sure, view the attachment again.

Deron, thanks for your suggestion to change the name to Eagles. I thought for now, P4-3 is easy to remember. We will monitor and see how we progress in Feb and March and then we will get the class consensus on the naming of the blog, what do you think?

Love you,
Mrs Mak

Thursday, 6 February 2014

We Care We Share

Dear all,
Welcome to the class blog. Let's make use of this blog to keep ourselves updated of what is happening around us and make our learning interesting and fun.

Click on this link to read about Graphs before we start on the Topic next week.

Love you,
Mrs Mak